Monday, January 9, 2012

Anatomy of a cutting board, part three

The third time around proved to be much easier than the first two tries.  I snapped the shot on the left quickly during the gluing process, fortunately I was able to get it connected before it dried. 

Super tramp, super clamp(s).

The board post sanding then after with an application of salad bowl finish.

The final product about to be wrapped up & sent across the country to my friends Andy & Naomi, hope you guys enjoy this little guy!

So my friends Andy & Naomi were gracious enough to send me a few action shots of the cutting board  I sent them a week ago.  Thus far they have nothing but good things to say about it, in fact they went so far as to use adjectives such as "sassy" "bodacious" & "functional", though they missed one obvious one; "woody".  Regardless I'm quite pleased that they are enjoying it.  

Who cut the Caprese?  No seriously who cut it because I hope they remembered the bread too.